Monday, March 1, 2010

Stretches exercises

You as a runner know, or should know, the importance of a warming-up before, and a cooling-down after your workout. First you do your easy running and then your stretches. A bit of calf stretching here, reaching the toes there, a few strides and your done. You think. What a shame.

You just forgot two very important stretches. Maybe the two most important ones for runners. These two stretches will keep nasty injuries like shin splints and achilles tendonitis out of the door. So please take your time to learn about them.

Shin Splints

Shin splints are lower leg pains either to the inside of the lower leg (medial shin splints) or to the front outside part(anterior shin splints). They happen to runners who are new to the sport and push themselves too much, runners who suddenly increase their mileage too excessively and runners who change their running terrain to harder or steeper grounds.

It is not so strange we runners develop shin splints. Our lower legs take the impact of two to three times our body weight every time we take a step while running. Each leg does about eighty to ninety steps a minute. That’s a lot of impact on your lower legs !

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